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Tolsa Greenberg


"Be patient, be tolerant, and be kind to people. That's the most important thing.

You have to be tolerant of other people."

Story of Tolsa Greenberg
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Tolsa was born in 1947 at Toronto-General Hospital, in the city of Toronto where both her parents were also born and raised. Tolsa's grandparents were from Poland and moved to Canada in 1905 to escape the antisemitism that originated in Russia.

Tolsa attended Northern Secondary School, a traditional school with diverse programs and courses. Tolsa participated in the school's Art Program because she enjoyed the "Rock and Roll" artistic culture at the time.

Due to her love of school and working with students, she became a Guidance Secretary working with Guidance Counsellors within the Toronto District School Board. There, she experienced profound fulfillment in helping students with university applications and their individual struggles. Tolsa made a huge impact on many of the kids lives.


After her retirement, Tolsa continued her journey to help those in need–she was involved in the Meals and Wheels volunteering program to deliver food to people for more than ten years. Tolsa enjoys the feeling of giving back to the community. Married for 53 years with two daughters and four grandchildren, Tolsa socializes and has weekly family dinners with her lovely family during her free time.

Produced by Chris Hu

My name is Liao (Chris) Hu, a 15 year old Grade 9 high school student.

I love sports, debating and reading during my spare time, and I am interested in economics and philosophy.

Keepsake Memories

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